Community MOVE!
Upcoming Workshops
Please Join us for Let's Get Moving! (Part 1):
Using Gross-Motor Activities to Support Young Children’s Development
Saturday, January 20, 2024 from 9am - 11am (via Zoom)
Registration link coming soon!
2024 Workshop series offered through the Monterey County of Education
Each year, PC offers Community MOVE workshops for educators, administrators, and parents at early childhood centers, colleges and conferences, spreading awareness about the need for gross motor play in the lives of both children and adults. By spreading our knowledge about the deep, life-long benefits of movement and play, we inspire young professionals, families and future teachers to incorporate more physical activity into the lives of the children they care for and serve.
Project Commotion’s Signature Trainings*:
Let's Get Moving! (Part 1):
Using Gross-Motor Activities to Support Young Children’s Development
Learn how to integrate movement into the classroom! In this interactive workshop, participants will learn about how gross-motor movement activities contribute to a child’s healthy development. A thorough explanation of the connection between movement and cognitive learning will be provided. Instructors will demonstrate various movement activities covering creative expression, developmental sequences, spatial awareness and more.
Let's Get Moving! (Part 2):
Returning to Center – Movement Activities for Sensory Integration
During this workshop you will begin to recognize how we experience the world through our senses and how we can apply this understanding to support children. We will explore the definitions of sensory integration and regulation and investigate the "hidden senses": proprioception and vestibular system. Participants will leave with tangible ideas of how they can improve their learning environments for young learners with diverse sensory profiles.
Let’s Get Moving! (Part 3):
Using a Sensory Lens to Support Transitions, Big Emotions, and Healthy Relationships
Discover how we experience the world through our senses and how to transfer this understanding to our work with children. Investigate the “hidden senses” and explore strategies that support sensory integration, regulation and co-regulation. Learn how sensory perspectives help us to support children – and ourselves – through transitions and with challenging behaviors.
*We can also work with you to design a training to meet your team’s unique needs